DECEMBER 9, 2022
Israel News Palestine News

UN Human Rights Council Addresses Human Rights Situation in Palestine Amid Rising Concerns

UN Human Rights Council Addresses Human Rights Situation in Palestine Amid Rising Concerns

In a recent general debate on the human rights situation in Palestine, the UN Human Rights Council discussed the ongoing challenges and violations occurring in the region. Palestine, represented as an entity concerned, expressed regret over the politicization of the Council's work, citing influence from the occupying power. The statement highlighted the intensification of Israeli occupation practices since 1967, describing them as "more ferocious and barbaric" and noting the significant toll on Palestinian civilians, journalists, and health workers.

With more than six million refugees and thousands killed by what was termed as "Zionist gangs," Palestine urged the international community to fulfill its historic and legal responsibility to end the occupation. The country pointed to the alarming figures of 248 people killed this year and numerous administrative detention orders issued. The plea for intervention emphasized the urgency of addressing the escalating humanitarian crisis.

During the debate, various speakers expressed serious concern about violations of international human rights law in the occupied Palestinian territory. Issues raised included the deprivation of the right to self-determination, extrajudicial killings, restrictions on freedom of movement and assembly, and the expansion of illegal settlements. The speakers underscored the continuous targeting of Palestinian civilians, including children, and voiced worry over forced evictions and displacement, potentially constituting the war crime of forcible transfer.

Moreover, attention was drawn to ongoing Israeli settlement activities in the occupied Palestinian territories and the occupied Syrian Golan. These actions encompassed settlement expansion, land expropriation, house demolitions, and property confiscation, prompting calls for an immediate end to all human rights violations.

Significantly, Israeli representatives were notably absent during the debate, underscoring the challenges and complexities surrounding the discourse on human rights in the region. The discussions highlighted the critical need for international attention and action to address the multifaceted issues and alleviate the suffering of the Palestinian population.

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On This Day

On this day, 2003, President George Bush claimed that "Israel bears responsibilities. Israel must chart a thoughtful plan for its settlements. Israel should grasp that there is land Palestinians can call home." However, It's important to note that Israel never fulfill these alleged responsibilities. 

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