DECEMBER 9, 2022
Palestine News USA News Iran News

US resorts to political maneuvering to achieve unfulfilled goals in Gaza war: Iran

US resorts to political maneuvering to achieve unfulfilled goals in Gaza war: Iran

The spokesman for Iran's Foreign Ministry says the United States has failed to achieve its so-called objectives during large-scale Israeli war against Palestinians in the Gaza Strip and is now resorting to political means to make up for its losses and mistakes.

"Based on our monitoring the situation on the ground and contacts with the involved parties, the US seeks to achieve what it has not gained through political means," Nasser Kan'ani said while addressing reporters at a press briefing on Monday.

"In other words, the US seeks to realize the unfulfilled goals in [Israel's] cruel war through political approaches," he added.

He said all evidence proved that the Israeli regime seeks to continue its adventurism in the region.

Israel launched the war on Gaza on October 7 after the Palestinian resistance movement Hamas waged the surprise Operation Al-Aqsa Storm against the occupying entity in response to the Israeli regime's decades-long campaign of bloodletting and devastation against Palestinians.

Tel Aviv has also blocked water, food, and electricity to Gaza, plunging the coastal strip into a humanitarian crisis.

Nearly 15,000 Palestinians, most of them women and children, have been killed in the Israeli strikes.

Asked about the future of Gaza and the US interventionist policies, Kan'ani said that over the past decades, the US has been a part of the problem in the Palestinian issue, including the recent Israel's war crimes in Gaza.

During the Gaza war, the US provided the Israeli regime with full support in all sectors and prevented efforts aim to end the onslaught in the Strip, the Iranian spokesperson said.

The US is not expected to be a part of the solution but its cessation of supporting the Tel Aviv regime can help solve the issue, he added.

Kan'ani emphasized that the US lack of heed to the realities on the ground have always led to failure of its plans on finding a possible solution to the Palestinian issue

"The US and the Zionist regime failed to achieve what they had planned during the recent war and cowardly aggression [against Gaza]," he said.

However, the Iranian diplomat once again reiterated that the Palestinian people would never allow any party to achieve its "illegitimate interests".

"Palestine's fate will be determined by its own people... The US unjust actions will not help solve the crisis without weighing up the realities," Kan'ani added.

In response to a question about the US move to send its warships to the West Asia region, he asserted that Washington has never carried out a measure to boost regional security and has always played a destabilizing role.

The spokesman rejected Iran's role in decisions made by the Palestinian resistance groups, saying they are merely showing a "natural reaction to the US unconstructive role in support for the Zionist regime's crimes and the US illegal presence in the region."

"Iran always remains committed to security and stability in the region," Kan'ani pointed out.

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On This Day

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