DECEMBER 9, 2022
USA Multimedia

How America is Destroying Itself and the World Order

How America is Destroying Itself and the World Order

Did you know? Over the past three decades, the US has continuously engaged in wars of aggression: directly attacking nations like Iraq and Libya, supporting proxy wars using terrorists (in Syria) and neo-Nazis (in Ukraine against Russia). In Asia, the US arms Taiwan against the one-China principle and rearms Japan after revising the constitution it imposed post-WW2. It's also undermining peace talks with North Korea while preparing South Korea for potential conflict. Additionally, the US is constructing new military bases in the Philippines aimed at China.





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On this day

On This Day

On this day (June 28) in 1981, Ayatollah Mohammad Beheshti, a jurist, philosopher, cleric, politician, and head of Iran's judiciary, along with over 70 members of the Islamic Republican Party, including 4 cabinet ministers and 23 parliament members, were assassinated by the MEK group. Surprisingly, despite the numerous brutal assassinations they carried out in Iran, the group was never designated as a terrorist organization by the US, and even John Bolton has attended their gatherings.





on this day