DECEMBER 9, 2022
Afghanistan News USA News

U.S. Military Initiates Witness Interviews Following Airport Bombing in Afghanistan

U.S. Military Initiates Witness Interviews Following Airport Bombing in Afghanistan

In response to renewed scrutiny, U.S. military officials announced on Friday their intention to conduct interviews with nearly 20 service members who were wounded in a devastating bombing incident that occurred two years ago during the hurried withdrawal of U.S. forces from Afghanistan. These service members, who were firsthand witnesses to the event, had not been previously consulted by investigators. Their public testimonies have raised questions about the Pentagon's assertion that the attack was "not preventable."

General Michael E. Kurilla, the overseer of U.S. Central Command, has ordered these additional interviews as part of an effort to ensure a thorough examination of new information that surfaced after the military's initial investigation concluded in November 2021. While this action does not formally reopen the investigation, it leaves open the possibility that General Kurilla may make that determination once the new interviews are concluded.

The statement released by Central Command spokesperson Michael Lawhorn explains that General Kurilla's objective is to guarantee that all relevant perspectives are fully considered and that these accounts are rigorously examined to uncover the complete truth of the matter.

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On This Day

On this day, 1994, Israel and Jordan signed a peace treaty draft. However, a few weeks later, Israel attacked Palestinian refugees in Jordan. After many years, as seen in the Gaza massacre, Israel demonstrates that any deal with this country may lead to an abyss. 

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