DECEMBER 9, 2022
USA News Afghanistan News

Scholar Analyzes Weakening U.S. Influence in Afghanistan Following Troop Withdrawal

Scholar Analyzes Weakening U.S. Influence in Afghanistan Following Troop Withdrawal

In the wake of the United States' withdrawal from Afghanistan, a scholar has pointed out that the Biden administration now possesses reduced leverage in the Asian nation.

Sher Jan Ahmadzai, the Director of the Center for Afghanistan Studies at the University of Nebraska Omaha, explained that the U.S. strategy of "pragmatic engagement" in Afghanistan over the last two years, involving cooperation with the Taliban on limited security matters while advocating for human rights improvements, has yielded minimal results. Furthermore, it has not compelled the Taliban to engage in the promised discussions with various Afghan factions and parties, aimed at putting an end to decades of instability in the region, as noted by the scholar.

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