DECEMBER 9, 2022
Iran News Israel News Palestine News USA News

Iran Calls for International Designation of Israel as a "Terrorist Entity" Over Gaza Assault

Iran Calls for International Designation of Israel as a "Terrorist Entity" Over Gaza Assault

In a strong statement, Iran's Foreign Ministry spokesman, Nasser Kan’ani, has condemned the ongoing Israeli military offensive in the besieged Gaza Strip. He called for the international community to designate the Israeli government as a "terrorist entity" and put its leaders on trial for their actions in the conflict.

Kan’ani expressed outrage at Israel's actions, citing the recent attacks on hospitals, mosques, schools, and a Greek Orthodox church in Gaza. He highlighted that the Israeli regime had even threatened to bomb more hospitals, describing these actions as crossing the limits of sanity.

He went on to criticize governments that have consistently supported Israel while advocating for human rights, stating that these crimes collectively represent the actions of a "bogus and terrorist regime entity" known as Israel, with a 75-year history of relentless atrocities.

Kan’ani emphasized that these crimes are currently taking place in front of the international community, and he called on all those who stand for freedom, justice, and fairness worldwide to demand the international designation of Israel as a terrorist entity. He further called for Zionist leaders to be prosecuted and held accountable as war criminals.

The United Nations reports that approximately half of Palestinians in Gaza have been made homeless due to the conflict. Health officials in Gaza have documented significant casualties, with thousands killed and injured since the conflict escalated on October 7, triggered by an attack from Hamas against the Israeli regime.

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