DECEMBER 9, 2022
Afghanistan News

UN Security Council Unanimously Renews UNAMA Mandate for Afghanistan

UN Security Council Unanimously Renews UNAMA Mandate for Afghanistan

The United Nations Security Council has unanimously adopted Resolution 2727, extending the mandate of the UN Assistance Mission in Afghanistan (UNAMA) for another year until March 17, 2025.

The resolution underscores the vital role of UNAMA and other UN entities in Afghanistan, emphasizing the need for their continued presence and cooperation with Afghan political actors and international stakeholders. It highlights the importance of ensuring the safety, security, and freedom of movement for UN personnel and associated individuals throughout the country.

Resolution 2727 represents a straightforward renewal of UNAMA's mandate, maintaining its existing tasks and priorities without amendments.






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On This Day

On this day, 2004, US Brigadier General David Rodriguez announced that US forces in Iraq would increase from 138,000 to around 150,000 by January for security reasons. However, there was no increase in security in Iraq, and it was only the costs, the death toll, and the intervention that increased.

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